About Us
Clinical Prosthetics & Orthotics is dedicated to providing comprehensive orthotic and prosthetic care that enables people to live a life that they want, a life without limitations.
Who We are
Clinical P&O features a team of highly-trained clinical experts who have both the training and experience to provide the care you need.
Prosthetic & Orthotic Providers
Originally from Fayetteville, NY, Dennis is an American Board Certified Prosthetist Orthotist (C.P.O.). He earned his prosthetic degree from Northwestern University in Chicago, orthotics degree from Newington (University of Connecticut), and completed a residency at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dennis also holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Buffalo. He worked as a design engineer for United Technologies Carrier Corporation before returning to Virginia Polytechnic and State University to obtain his Masters of Business Administration (M.B.A.).
In the fall of 2001, Dennis opened the Clinical Prosthetics & Orthotics office in Poughkeepsie, New York. Dennis has published gait research as it relates to lower extremity biomechanics. He conducts volunteer work in Mexico as a clinical prosthetist and spends his free time skiing, bicycling, running, and competitive sailing on the Hudson River.
David is an American Board Certified Prosthetist and Orthotist. Originally from Guelph, Ontario, he received his Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics from the University of Guelph. He then went onto post-graduate work in Orthotics and Prosthetics at George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario. In 1994, David moved to Syracuse, NY to complete his residency in both prosthetics and orthotics. In 1997 and 1998 David was appointed to a National Prosthetic Team to teach and promote modern alternatives of prosthetic designs to practitioners throughout the country. Since then he has continued his education and has completed his Masters in Business Administration.
David has been practicing in Albany, NY, since 1998. In January 2001 he established Clinical Prosthetics and Orthotics, LLC with his partners. Currently he practices in the Albany, Saratoga and Hudson offices. David’s free time is spent enjoying his wife Elizabeth and sons Ethan and Spencer.
Sean Sullivan graduated from Century College in White Bear Lake Minnesota in 1993 completing his clinical requirements at The Gillette Children’s Hospital in St. Paul Minnesota. There he helped many pediatric patients with varying deformities. He has worked in various states gaining experience in the fabrication and fitting of state of the art prosthetic and orthotic devices. He has worked with a world renowned prosthetic company on complex myoelectric upper extremity prostheses as well as ultralight lower extremity prosthetics. He was instrumental in the early stages of research and development of total containment flexible dynamic lower extremity orthoses. This design benefitted many patients with lower extremity pathologies and later became a standard of practice for orthotic treatment protocols.
Sean became a Certified Orthotist through the Board of Certification / Accreditation in 2011 and a Certified Prosthetic Assistant through American Board for Certification shortly after.
He began working with Clinical Prosthetics and Orthotics in 2002 in our Kingston office and after a brief leave from the company he returned in 2012.
Sean also uses his personal experience as a cancer survivor and above knee amputee to enhance the lives of his patients. Taking great pride in his ability to overcome such diversity, Sean counsels individuals with recent amputations and those facing the possibility of amputation. His perspective is from a very active lifestyle where he enjoys hiking, camping, boating, skiing, hunting, and fishing. He is an active do-it-yourselfer and takes on many projects that some amputees might consider out of reach.
He currently sees patients in Albany, Hudson, Kingston, and Poughkeepsie.